The mineral water of Kranevo is famous not only in our latitudes. Its beneficial effect and useful features are well known from millenniums.
The mineral water used in the hotel Casa di Fiore SPA and Medical Hotel is extracted from a depth of 1200 m., which guarantees its purity.
The total mineralization of the water is 539,5 mg/l., and its temperature is 28,6°C.
Feel the silky touch of the mineral water which will embrace and capture your body. It is a wonderful addition to every spa or balneological procedure.
At the disposal of our guests we have the outdoor and indoor swimming pools of the complex with different temperatures and continuously refreshing mineral water. The pools are from the newest generation, supplied with an infrared path which with the help of ultra-violet lamps kills the harmful bacteria and the usage of chlorine is minimum.
Professional life-guards watch out for the safety of all guests.